Friday, June 7, 2013

Classic Complexity

Wow, where does the time go.  I have an amazing little girl that is about to enter the 3rd grade.  Let me tell you some of the things that make my little girl so amazing.  When we had her 8 years ago we had no idea what we were in for.  For almost 5 years she was our only little kiddo so she obviously got a lot of solo attention.  When Lincoln came along that is when I realized what a challenge and blessing she really is. 
Averie is a very strong determined child.  She is our child that is so independent.  I believe if she had to she could actually make it on her own right now.  There is a reason she only knows her phone number and address because she would share with you any information that was given to her. 
She is crazy smart.  I actually think she outsmarted me in KG, seriously.  She absolutely loves to learn about the body and for an 8 year old she gets it better than most people my age, we tell her all the time that she is Doctor Smart. 
I know she is only 8 but I absolutely love to watch her dance.  She danced competitively for the first time last year and she has grown so much in a year.  It hasn't been without it struggles.  I always say if she was on the debate team she would for sure win, or like her dad she could sell a Popsicle to an Eskimo.  She pushes her teachers and I love that push and challenge her back.  She has found herself kicked out of class and now she is pushing herself like she has never done before.  I love that she has amazing teachers that care so much and not just when it comes to dance. 
It is hard to love all my little challenges with Averie because she can push so hard and debate so well.  But on nights like tonight where is curled up with Danton reading a magazine from our sweet neighbor and she is calm and cuddly it makes all those crazy hard moments with her worth it. 
I love when we get that side of Averie.  I love when we sing loudly in the car even when people are watching.  I love when we have dance parties in the house.  I love Averie and all her complexities. 

When I thought about the wine I wanted to share I thought about what reminded me of Averie a complex classic and something that is always a good choice.  This wine goes good with anything.  If you just want to sit down with a book at the end of the day and enjoy a glass of wine this a great choice.  It you want to have some brie and crackers it works well there too.  Or pair it with a great dinner and you will not be let down.  Like Averie it truly goes great with everything. The wine is  Old Vine Zinfandel.  It is probably my fall back when I just don't know what to get.  I know it is another Zinfandel but it is worth it, give it a try if you haven't already. 

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