Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why This Blog?

Recently this is the question that someone asked me to answer..  Describe what you want for yourself in "ALL" aspects of your life.  The question had to be answered in a couple of words not sentences. 
An example of the question was ...What do I want to be as a Person, Wife, Mom, Spiritual, Fitness, Enjoyment...You get the idea. 
As I started answering these questions it really got me thinking.  Something I enjoy is wine.  But probably like a lot of you who enjoy something, you don't always branch out.   I always got the same "type" because that was just easier.  What I have been learning lately is that I needed to branch out and try new things.  So I came up with my own personal "Wine of the Week Club". 
The Wine of the Week Club has only 2 rules.  Rule #1  I had to decide on the grape before I entered the store.  Rule #2  With the grape in mind I would just have to pick a bottle, just grab and go.   
The fun part is now Danton and I are both involved in my club.  One of us picks the grape and the other gets the bottle and we rotate our jobs every week.  We have found this to be something so fun and it awesome doing it together. 
I decided that I would share with you what I am enjoying at home and maybe it will be something you try and enjoy as well.  Or you will just have a suggestion for me to try. 
The reason for this blog is to not only tell you about things that I enjoy or enjoy doing but to hopefully to inspire some of you to go and find what you and enjoy.  Even if your club includes just you.  And you start learning how to enjoy the things you love even more.

Cheers everyone!!!    www.facebook.com